The River Near Willow Flats

This was the pipe bridge that you had to cross to get to the waterfall further on down the trail. It was always sketchy even with the railing. There was a wasp nest underneath and one of the other camp girls got stung like on her eye one time. 

Looking at the river from the pipe bridge. We would play down in the water on those boulders. 

We were some of the staff who went with the girls camp girls on the trek to this beautiful spot. Most of us would stay there and play while the girls would go back to camp. The water was glacier cold and very refreshing. 

Some of the staff chillin' in the middle of the river. Not only was it cold but it was around 2ish feet deep.  

Holly and I 

I still can't get over how long my hair was. I would drench it in the frigid water then pony tail it. It made my own personal swamp cooler for the hot hike back. 


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