The Master list of camp songs by Nicole Neilson and Dallin Johnson

A to de tah
Alice the Camel
Alive, Awake, Alert
America America
America the Beautiful
Austrian Yodeler
Baby Shark
Bannanas in the sky
Bannanas of the Universe
Battle Cry of Freedom
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Be kind to your webed footed friends
Bear Hunt
Beaver song
Black socks
Blood on the ropes
Blow ye Winds
Bluebird whooping couch
Boom chicka boom
Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy
Button Factory
Camel train
Campfire song
Canibal King
Cheese makes the world go round
Cockles and Muscles
Deep and Wide
Donald wheres your trousers
Donut Shop
Duct tape
Eeinsy wiensy spider with power actions
Father Abraham
Father Mother
Fish heads
Five little ducks
Fluffy sheep
Follow me boys
Found a Peanut
Funky Chicken
German orchestra
Ghost Chickens
God Bless America
Grand Duke of York
Grand ol Captain Kirk
Granny's in the celler
Green Grow the rushes
Grey Squirrel
Here we sit
Hole in the bottom of the lake
Humpty Dumpty
I am slowly going crazy
I love the mountains
If I had a hammer
I'm a little teapot
Jabba Hut
Jacobs Ladder
Jello Five in the Bed
JJ cool-a
Jolly Fishermen
Jonny Verbeck
Keeper of the Eddystone light
Kirby/Herbie the Family Pet
Land of the silver Birch
Lion Hunt
Little Green Frog
Llama song
Loch Lomond
Macnamera's Band
Magdelena catelina
Matilda the Gorilla
McDonald Mashup
Michael row your boat ashore
Moose Named Fred
Morning Bird song
Morning Linbering
My 20th summer
My aunt
My Bonnnie
My country tis of thee
My dog bean
My Fathers House
Oh elania
Old Dan Tucker
On my honor
On my honor slow version
One Fat Hen
Pile of tin
Ping Pong Ball
Pink Pajamas
Pirates of  Saskatchewan
Pizza Hut
Pizza Man
Post Rasin Bran
Princess Pat
Purple stew
Quarter Masters store
Que Quo Mone
Rock My Soul
Roll out the thunder
Rooster Song
Sailing Sailing
Scout Company
Scout socks
Scout vespers
Scouting Friends
Scouting Spirit
Scouting spirit
Second story window
Shaving Cream
Silver Paddles
Sippin' cider
Six Pence
Skunk Hole
Standing on a band stand
Star trekkin'
Stay on the sunny side
Sunday school song
Sweet Betsy from Pike
Swing low sweet chariot
Tarzan of the Apes
Ten sticks of dynamite
The Crest of the wave
The Deacon Went Down
The littlest worm
The Moose
The more we get together
The muffin man
the other day bear - guns
The other day bear - tree
Three Buzzards
Three Little Angels
Top Notcher
Tree in the meadow
Viva Lamour
Wah Saw the 42nd
Waltzing Matilda
Yeah Toast
You'll get down and dirty
Zulu warrior

For lyrics check out my songbook HERE
