Outreach knot tying

What you will need:

  • Parachute cord or other rope cut into pieces between the lengths of 3 and 4 feet
  • Printed instructional pictures of how to tie the knots
  • Patience

Welcome the boys to scouts.

Intro: Today we are going to learn how to tie some knots. Why would knowing how to tie knots be a good thing? Well what do we use knots for? What are some things that we can use knots for? Knots are not only useful for tying your shoelaces. They are used in activities like fishing and can be used to create a clothesline. When people think of scouts they often think of knot tying. An earlier form of the pioneering merit badge was one of the first merit badges. In order to advance ranks many of the requirements know how to tie certain knots. We are just going to start with the basics.

Demonstrate the following and explain their uses:
  • Overhand knot
  • Square knot
  • Granny knot
  • half hitch
  • Double half hitch
  • Bowline
  • Clove hitch
  • Sheet bend
  • Taught line
  • Slip knot
The truckers hitch, alpine butterfly,"handcuffs"(simple bow), and scout spirit knots are also fun to learn.

Slowly go over each knot step by step. I have found that going one step at a time and checking on everybody's progress is the easiest. Do it a few times. If your group is large split into smaller groups so you can go and each scout gets better instruction. At the end have them show you that they can do it on their own.

Depending on the size of the group this should take the whole hour.
